Leading the Change in Health and Wellness

Leading the Change in Health and Wellness

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Sierra Smiles
As the summer months greet us, Dr. John Bocchi and the team of dental professionals at Sierra Smiles in Reno and Lake Tahoe encourage readers to understand the importance of the types of foods we consume and how they affect overall health, as well as oral health.

“Now is the time barbecues and special treats tend to kick up,” Bocchi says. “There’s nothing wrong with having a salty snack or cool, sugary dessert every now and then, but if we’re eating a lot of sugar or acidic foods, it can change the bacteria in our mouth, and that can be detrimental.”

In order to get a glimpse into the good and bad bacteria present in one’s mouth, a simple mouth and saliva test can be done via an in-office oral rinse kit by OralDNA. This provides a snapshot of a patient’s bacterial risk for dental diseases, with results provided within a few weeks.

Saliva testing determines the presence of common pathogens that can lead to gum disease and increase the risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, dementia, and birth complications. These tests also can detect gene markers associated with increased inflammation, periodontal infection, cavities, species of yeast (including candida), and the herpes virus, and identifies patients at increased risk for HPV-related oral cancers. 

“These saliva tests allow us to determine risk levels for many different issues that can severely affect mouth health and also inflammation and disease within the body,” Bocchi explains. “We use the results to create a customized treatment plan for people based on their risk factors and bacteria they may have present. We want to help people understand what kinds of diseases they may be at higher risk for, and we want to treat or even better prevent diseases, if possible. We also use this simple saliva test to be able to recheck the results of our treatment to make sure we are treating and controlling the disease process.”

Bocchi also adds, “Another thing to keep in mind when you’re enjoying that plate of food is how many times you chew each bite. We recommend chewing at least 20 times or more per mouthful to activate the saliva flow, which begins breaking down food and creates better digestion. Chewing food more thoroughly also promotes better nutrition absorption. Next time you bite into that burger or drumstick, try counting the number of times you chew and see if you can consistently make it to 20.”

New patients at Sierra Smiles are given the option to receive saliva testing, as well as those who have family histories or exhibit signs of the risk factors for the various ailments that can be detected. For details, visit Sierrasmiles.com.

EVOKE Fitness
For success in weight loss, Mena Spodobalski, owner of EVOKE Fitness in Reno, stresses the importance of meal prep. She suggests clients pick a day of the week that is fairly open, on which to prepare three to four days’ worth of food.

“Start with cooking proteins on the barbecue or in the oven, then get brown rice or quinoa going in the rice cooker or pressure cooker, roast veggies in the oven… Multitasking means everything will be finished about the same time, and then you can divide meals into individual containers stored in the fridge,” she says. “It makes it easy to grab healthy meals and snacks. It’s also convenient if you’re caught somewhere between soccer games and activities; you’re always prepared and less likely to reach for unhealthy options.”

For snacks, Spodobalski will mix her own trail mix and store it in single servings; blend frozen fruit already portioned out in a baggie, with a scoop of protein [powder] and almond milk for a quick smoothie; grab a piece of fresh fruit; or enjoy packed hummus with julienned vegetables.

“We want to avoid frozen meals and processed foods as much as possible,” she says. “This is a fun way to get the kids involved, too!”

For details, visit Evokefit.com.

The Peace Offering
Foodstuffs that visitors will find at The Peace Offering in Truckee include cooking tallow, infused cooking salts, and salad dressings with medicinal qualities.

“The health benefits of cooking with tallow versus seed oils are immense,” says owner Laura Patterson. “When they are heated, seed oils become toxic. Consuming seed oils puts the body into metabolic hibernation; however, the smoke point for tallow is 420 degrees F, making it suitable for frying, plus it helps with mitochondrial function and energy production in the body. Our cooking salts are infused with medicines, like rosemary, nettle, and garlic salt. They have high mineral content as well as antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. A great way to get medicine into your food is by adding a pinch of salt or one of our salad dressings infused with medicinal ingredients, harvested and made locally. A favorite is the Wild Pine Vinegar because pine is supportive to the respiratory and immune system, high in vitamin C, and a testosterone booster in men.”

Site of the Aniwa Gathering. Photo courtesy of The Peace Offering

Patterson is sharing her vast knowledge of food during the Aniwa Gathering, June 13 – 16 in Big Bear, Calif. (Yuhaaviatam – Serrano Territory). During this weekend, she’ll prepare and share meals, made with ingredients grown in her garden, with Indigenous elders from around the world and the general public. Also, she will host a Regenerative Retreat Aug. 1 – 4 in the San Francisco Bay Area, a full farm-to-table and medicine-making experience. For details, visit Thepeaceoffering.com.

Indigenous elders will be part of the Aniwa Gathering. Photo courtesy of The Peace Offering

Todd’s Body Shop
Attention pickleballers! The folks at Todd’s Body Shop in Reno are excited to announce their pickleball facility is now open! Join in for some fun and competitive games on state-of-the-art courts in a climate-controlled environment. The facility offers a welcoming and inclusive space for players of all ages and skill levels.

“We can’t wait to see you on the court!” says Marci Eekhoff, office manager at Todd’s Body Shop. “Are you ready to take your pickleball game to the next level? Look no further than our exclusive private pickleball club.”

By taking advantage of the facilities, you may improve your skills and dominate the court. In the gym, you can warm up with a quick mile on the treadmill or a simple workout and after the pickleball match, you can stretch to avoid any injuries.

Joining the club means 24/7 access to top-of-the-line equipment, court reservations, showers/locker rooms, and brand-new pickleball courts, coupled with a supportive community of fellow pickleball enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the basics or a seasoned player wanting to fine-tune your game, this club has something for everyone. For details, visit Toddsbodyshoppt.com/pickleball.


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