Chopped Mustard Pickles

Chopped Mustard Pickles

Chopped Mustard Pickles

(courtesy of Colleen Worlton, chairperson, Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada Board in Reno. Makes 10 – 12 pints)

“This is an old family recipe from my husband’s grandmother, Mary Ellen Argyle Stocks,” Worlton says. “They’re great with ham, eggs, hot dogs, and other dishes relishes go with.”

2 quarts green tomatoes, diced
2 quarts onions, diced
2 quarts cucumbers, diced
6 red peppers, diced
6 green peppers, diced
1 large, or 2 small, cauliflower heads, lightly steamed and diced
2 stalks celery, chopped
6 tablespoons dry mustard
¾ tablespoon curry powder
1 teaspoon turmeric
1¼ cups flour
4½ cups sugar
1½ quarts water
1 cup salt
1½ quarts white vinegar

In large stockpot, add tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, and peppers. In separate bowl, mix dry ingredients and pour over vegetables, then mix lightly. Add wet ingredients (water, vinegar) and mix thoroughly. Bring mixture to a boil over medium/medium-high heat, then reduce to a simmer.

Add cauliflower and celery to cooked mixture. Pack in sterilized pint jars. Follow canning instructions and water bath 10 minutes.

Worlton recommends the following water-canning resource:


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