Editor’s Letter

Editor’s Letter

Are you feeling the heat? Signs of climate change are all around us, from hotter, longer-lasting heat waves and rampant, deadly wildfires to drought. (For the first time in recorded history, dating back to 1893, Reno received zero precipitation in January, giving another meaning to “dry January.”) The decrease in rainfall is particularly troubling to our local farmers and ranchers who need the vital substance to maintain crops and animals, and drought impacts us all.

Wildfires — terrifying to those directly in their path and destructive to our forests and wildlife — and smoky summers seem to be the new norm. I long for a summer in which I don’t have to check the Air Quality Index each day, reduce my outdoor activities, and breathe wildfire smoke.

While this news is depressing, I’m heartened by the efforts of green-minded residents here. To tie in with Earth Day, in this issue we offer a plethora of stories on earth-conscious initiatives. They give me hope for the future.

First of all, don’t miss our important story on regenerative agriculture. Reno writer Barbara Twitchell explains how this practice actively improves and restores the soil to the natural balance that Mother Nature intended. You’ll meet three local farmers/ranchers who utilize the methods and have experienced amazing, measurable results. They should be examples for all farmers and ranchers.

Next, read about how local restaurants are going green, including buying from local farmers to cut their carbon footprints, recycling, and designing (or redesigning) with the earth in mind (including adding energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and more). Learn how to green your own kitchen by reducing food and packaging waste. Check out great composting tips from the folks at Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful. Another way you can help the environment is by planting your own food. To get started, see our story on spring seedlings and seedling sales.

What will you do to help the earth today?

Happy spring!


About the Cover Watercolor, ink, and digital illustration depicting earth-friendly elements implemented in the Reno-Tahoe area. Illustration by Melissa Washburn

Clarifications In our Jan./Feb. 2022 DRINKS! issue’s Edible Updates column, we incorrectly identified the owners and chef of The Kitchen Table in Reno. The owners are Amanda and Steve Thomason along with Alexander and Nunzio Alioto, son and father, respectively. The head chef is Anthony Mercado. In the same issue, in Mike Higdon’s Whiskey 101 story, we stated that bourbon is “made mostly in the United States (but not always).” However, bourbon must be made in the U.S. to be labeled bourbon. We regret the errors.


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