Join us as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Tahoe Forest Stewardship Day and National Public Lands Day!
RSVP here. Final details will be sent the week of the event.
Timeline for Saturday, September 24:
What we are doing: Volunteers of all ages and skill levels are invited to this fun, hands-on restoration event. By pitching in, you will help improve the ecosystem functions and wildlife habitats that surround Lake Tahoe. Following the catastrophic Caldor Fire, upcoming winter storms threaten to wash tons of erodible soils and sediment off of steep, scorched mountain slopes and into the creeks and rivers that flow into Lake Tahoe. Healthy streams, meadows and wetlands act as natural pollution filters to Keep Tahoe Blue. Volunteers do not need previous experience to participate in the projects. Help us heal the land to Keep Tahoe Blue.
What to bring: Sturdy boots, long pants and long sleeves, sunglasses, work gloves (if you have them), a full reusable water bottle, any snacks you may want and following current CDC Covid guidelines.
We provide: Project equipment, sanitation materials, clean gloves, training, wrapped snacks, and giveaways.
Partners: United States Forest Service – Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit.
Further details:
For questions or more information, email