Feature – Art of the Plate

feature ART OF THE PLATE Revealing secrets for presenting a beautiful dish. WRITTEN BY KAY FAHEYPHOTOS BY SHEA EVANS Presentation, or the placement of elements on a dish, is a […]
Cooks Profile – Carina Black

cooks profile CULINARY DIPLOMAT Food connects Carina Black to the world. WRITTEN BY JEANNE LAUF WALPOLEPHOTO BY CANDICE NYANDO As a child raised by Swiss parents in Argentina and Switzerland, […]
Cooks Profile – Kaili Sanchez

cooks profile NUTRITION ADVOCATE Kaili Sanchez is an educator, chef, and catalyst for change. WRITTEN BY MELISSA SIIGPHOTOS BY CHRIS HOLLOMAN In 2003, Kaili Sanchez left Lake Tahoe to return […]
Cooks Profile – Jones

cooks profile THE INNOVATIVE GOURMET Entrepreneur and traveling speaker Terry Jones cooks for fun and flavor. WRITTEN BY ANN LINDEMANNPHOTOS BY CHRIS HOLLOMAN It stands to reason that a man […]
Cooks Profile – Nash

cooks profile SHIFTING GEARS Four-time Olympian Katerina Nash relishes home-cooked meals. WRITTEN BY ANN LINDEMANNPHOTOS BY CHRIS HOLLOMAN Fresh from a well-deserved après-training-session shower, competitive cyclist Katerina Nash is puttering […]
Cooks Profile – Korgans

cooks profile ROAD TO RECOVERY Grant and Shawna Korgan believe in eating, loving, and healing. WRITTEN BY JESSICA SANTINAPHOTOS BY CHRIS HOLLOMAN Shawna Korgan stands at the kitchen counter chopping […]