Friday and Saturday, imbibe at the Uncorked wine event at 5:30 p.m., sampling a wide variety of wine, beer, and other libations along with seasonal hors d’oeuvres. Another food-friendly event to include on your festival schedule is one of the decadent farm to table dinners at 6:30 p.m. both Friday and Saturday night.
On the menu? Locally sourced, seasonal produce with sustainably raised meat prepared by chef Kevin Callaghan. After success in starting Acme Food & Beverage Co. in Carrboro, N.C. in 1998, Callaghan is now the executive chef of the Wanderlust festivals. Along with preparing the farm to to table dinners, Callaghan will be instructing a class on Friday morning about loving the food you eat versus feeling guilty and imbalanced when you indulge. During the farm to table dinner, you’ll experience a mindful meal with other festival attendees as well as live music. You’ll also view the venue in an entirely new light because dinner is served at sunset in the lodge at High Camp, just an aerial tram ride away, leaving you to relish panoramic views of the Sierra Nevadas.
With wine and dinner comes dessert. Sky Kubby, author of The Raw Chocolate Diet will be giving a special talk called Invincible Immunity and Everlasting Energy Friday at 10 a.m. Kubby will talk about cacao as a superfood and unveil the benefits of the plant and its medicinal properties. A firm believer in detoxification and cleansing through nutrition can lead to a healthier life, Kubby will discuss how nutrient-dense raw chcolate can “open the door to the heart” as well as provide additional healthy living and cleansing tips.
Other food-related Speakeasy talk topics include: High Vibrational Foods with Sophie Jaffe (a discussion on how to incorporate super foods into your daily diet, and find balance in your diet, without guide), How to Build Your Own Farmacy with Jason Wrobel (a talk detailing how you can potentially alleviate maladies by enjoying healing foods), Changing The Way We Produce Food is Essential For Our Survival As A Species with Gunnar Lovelace (a talk suggesting we can heal both our bodies and the planet through sustainable eating), and The Future of Meat with Anya Fernald (a discussion about the current meat production in this country and how it could be scaled differently to be sustainable).
The 2016 Wanderlust Festival Squaw Valley will take place July 14 – 17 at The Village at Squaw in Olympic Valley. Yoga classes, hikes, and Speakeasy talks are scheduled at specific times of the day and require registration.
For details on Wanderlust Squaw Valley and to purchase tickets, visit