Editor’s Letter

I love to eat fish. Salmon is usually on my plate at least once a week, as sautéed filets or savory chunks stuffed inside tortillas and topped with zesty slaw. […]

Editor’s Letter

Amanda Burden

Why is it so important to support local food and drink? We started this magazine 15 years ago — with the Spring 2010 edition — to uncover, celebrate, and support […]

Editor’s Letter

Amanda Burden

I’m not much of a beer drinker these days, but there’s no denying the popularity of the foamy beverage. On average, each adult in the U.S. drinks about 28.2 gallons […]

Editor’s Letter

About seven years ago, we started a Thanksgiving tradition of traveling to the East Coast to gather with beloved cousins and other family members and friends. While children run around […]

Editor’s Letter

It was a banner bee season in my backyard this summer. Honeybees, but especially native bumblebees, teemed over my lavender and penstemon bushes. I assume the record numbers are due […]

Editor’s Letter

If you’re like me, you like food. And, just like me, maybe you like it a bit too much. For months-long stints, I gleefully satisfy all my cravings, then yank […]

Editor’s Letter

Welcome to our annual COOKS! edition. We created this issue in 2011 after noticing that cooking was more like a spectator sport (i.e. Hell’s Kitchen, Chopped, Chef’s Table, Top Chef, […]

Editor’s Letter

When I was 10, my dad bought chicks for the coop we inherited with our new home. I was fascinated by the cute little creatures and couldn’t wait to visit […]

Editor’s Letter

When I moved to Reno 21 years ago, I enjoyed the kitschy bar scene, regularly stopping by some of the area’s gritty dives on weekends and after work. Cigarette-smoke-filled room, […]

Editor’s Letter

We are coming up on the three-year anniversary of the pandemic shutdown, and it may appear outwardly that those involved in the food industry have rebounded and are back to […]

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edible Reno-Tahoe
316 California Ave., No. 258
Reno, NV 89509
(775) 746-3299
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