A Toast to a Legend

Charlie in the kitchen at Cafe at Adele’s. Photo by Kippy Spilker

We say goodbye to local chef and restaurateur Charlie Abowd. We lost a local legend. Charlie Abowd — chef, restaurateur, philanthropist, and extraordinary member of the Carson City, Carson Valley, […]

Coming Up Cookies

Teacher Appreciation Day cookies baked by Sierra Valley Grange members for teachers at Loyalton High School

Sierra Valley Grange hosts baking days. At Sierra Valley Grange’s annual cookie-making event, the emphasis isn’t on decorated sugar cookies and traditional chocolate chip. Instead, the Chilcoot-Vinton, Calif.-based agricultural fraternity […]

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edible Reno-Tahoe
316 California Ave., No. 258
Reno, NV 89509
(775) 746-3299
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