Editor’s Letter

Editor’s Letter

When I was 10, my dad bought chicks for the coop we inherited with our new home. I was fascinated by the cute little creatures and couldn’t wait to visit them every day. Kneeling in the sawdust, I cradled them in my arms and felt their soft fluff in my fingers. Wide-eyed, I marveled as they fluttered out of my lap and wandered around the coop.

My interest in chickens never waned. Whenever I see them, I chuckle at their quirky expressions and movements. That’s why I chose to photograph chickens (and adorable local children) for my first edible Reno-Tahoe magazine cover (Spring 2010) and why I have put them on the cover this time, 13 years later.

In this edition, you’ll learn how to keep chickens in your own backyard (page xx). We offer lots of helpful tips and tricks, including the basics such as shelter, food, and where to find chicks. We also check in with 4-H youths who raise chickens. We even have a fun story on chicken breeds, with beautiful illustrations by Reed DeWinter.

One of the greatest benefits to keeping chickens is being able to collect fresh eggs every day (when they are laying). If you don’t have your own chickens, we offer you a story on local egg producers. Amid various labels and certifications marketed on egg cartons, the best choice is the one saying the eggs are local.

Speaking of eggs, one of the key ingredients in a Cobb salad is a hard-boiled egg. We present a story on where to find great versions of the tasty dish around the area. Hearty with a variety of flavor-packed components, the Cobb is one of my favorite salads, and I order it often.

In this issue, you’ll also find stories introducing you to Land Ocean restaurant in Reno, microgreens farmers, local Irish bars to visit for St. Patrick’s Day, and increasingly popular pét-nat wines.

We hope you enjoy our selection of stories this time. And please remember to support our advertisers and always buy local whenever possible.

Happy Spring!



About the Cover Elora Fong, 5, holds two of the Reno Fong family’s chickens. Photo by Donna Victor

Clarification In the Edible Traditions feature in the Jan./Feb. ’23 edition, we incorrectly stated the origins of Abby’s Highway 40’s name. Donny Schwartz named Abby’s when the bar opened in 1998, in honor of his father Avram “Abby,” who died in 1987. Abby was a popular bartender in Reno for many years.


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